ALV English since 1992
ALV Chinese Academy隸屬於1992年台灣國際美國村的的品牌,在全球漢語學習熱潮的興起之下,漢語已然成為國際性語言,而台灣國際美國村也正是在這個潮流驅使下,踏出台灣邁向國際,東南亞漢語培訓則是我們核心事業的戰略佈局之重要市場。
ALV Chinese Academy was affiliated with the Taiwan American Language Village (ALV) in 1992. With the rise of the global Chinese learning craze, Chinese has become an international language. Driven by this trend, Taiwan ALV has stepped out into the world. As Taiwan moves towards internationalization, Chinese language training in Southeast Asia is an important market for the strategic layout of our core business.
ALV Chinese Academy成立的宗旨,在於營造優質的漢語學習環境,讓學生在快樂的學習氛圍下,自然擁有聽、說、讀、寫漢語的能力,課程設計理念以「情境教學」為主體,ALV Chinese Academy堅信唯有透過不斷保持說漢語的興趣,學生才有機會學好漢語,在ALV Chinese Academy的課程中,我們培養學生學習漢語的興趣,讓學生愛上學習漢語,並真正能夠將學習融入日常生活中,實踐一個真正的漢語生活情景,我們相信所有學生都能在ALV Chinese Academy學好漢語,並用流利的漢語和世界無縫接軌。
The purpose of ALV Chinese Academy is to create a high-quality Chinese learning environment so that students can naturally acquire the ability to listen, speak, read, and write Chinese in a happy learning atmosphere. The curriculum design concept is based on "situational teaching." ALV Chinese Academy firmly believes that only through a continuous interest in speaking Chinese can students have the opportunity to learn Chinese well. In the courses of ALV Chinese Academy, we cultivate students' interest in learning Chinese so that students can fall in love with learning Chinese and truly be able to integrate learning into their daily lives. By practicing a real Chinese life situation, we believe that all students can learn Chinese well at ALV Chinese Academy and use fluent Chinese to seamlessly connect with the world.
ALV Chinese Academy在台灣強大資源支持下,研發出屬於自己的教學手冊、班級經營、班級管理、師資應聘、師資管理等標準程序,ALV Chinese Academy所有教師是「學習型」的團隊,彼此相互切磋砥礪、分享經驗,學習成長。我們相信只有好老師才能造就好學生,這種良性的循環,是成功教師生涯中最美麗的風景。
With the support of Taiwan's powerful resources, ALV Chinese Academy has developed its own standard procedures for teaching manuals, class management, teacher recruitment, teacher management, etc. All teachers at ALV Chinese Academy are a "learning" team, learning from each other and improving themselves, sharing experiences, learning, and growing. We believe that only good teachers can create good students. This virtuous cycle is the most beautiful scenery in the career of a successful teacher.
蒙特梭利:「沒有一本書可以真正描述出或是從書上就可以想像出數的生動模樣,他們只有在真正的樹林中才能發現真正的生命。」ALV Chinese Academy肩負漢語教育傳承的使命與任務,讓學生的「Speak Chinese like a Chinese」是所有ALV Chinese Academy教師們共同的信念!
Montessori states: “There is no description, no image in any book that is capable of replacing the sight of real trees, and all of the life to be found around them in a real forest.” ALV Chinese Academy shoulders the mission and task of inheriting Chinese education. Letting students "speak Chinese like a Chinese" is the common belief of all ALV Chinese Academy teachers!
教學理念:Speak Chinese like a Chinese
聯繫我們 Contacts
總部 Headquarters:國際美國村,台灣 1992 (ALV)
聯繫電話Phones: +886-3-3706-720/+886-930540188
聯繫信箱Email : service@tcfl.tw