ALV English since 1992
Brand Story 品牌故事
Taiwan Elephant 台灣象 - Have More First-Time Heartbeat Feelings 有更多第一次心動的感覺
「Taiwan Elephant」是ALV Chinese Academyc 漢語學習的品牌,遵循「事先學習」、「相互演練」、「實景運用」三個步驟,奠定學習漢語的基礎,學習漢語要和大象一樣保持好奇心,「Taiwan Elephant」希望在學習上,讓學習者有更多第一次心動的感覺。
Taiwan Elephant: Have More First-Time Heartbeat Feelings
Taiwan was once a paradise for the ancient rhomboids, but it disappeared!
Many people once had enthusiasm for learning Chinese, but it disappeared!
"Taiwan Elephant" is the Chinese learning brand of ALV Chinese Academy. It follows the three steps of "learn," "practice," and "use" to lay the foundation for learning Chinese. To learn Chinese, you must remain curious like an elephant." "Taiwan Elephant" hopes to give learners more first-time heartbeat feelings in learning.